Programme & Slides / Diapos

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Slides are available to download at the links below / Télécharger les diapos avec les liens en dessous


9:00-9:30 Welcome

9:30-10:30 Key note: The DiDi Project: Collecting, Annotating, and Analysing South Tyrolean Data of Computer-mediated Communication. Egon W. Stemle

Session 1 SMS

Session 2 : Telecollaboration & L2

14:00-15:00 Key note: Wikipedia as a corpus resource for linguistic research. Angelika Storer.

Session 3 : Wikipedia

Session 4 : Multimodality


16:20-16:40 Break

Session 5 : Panel Large Corpora
16:40-18:00 Towards an encoding standard for social media and CMC: Experiences from German and French corpus projects using TEI. Beisswenger Michael, Chanier Thierry et al.

[1] Michael Beißwenger, Thierry Chanier et al.: Towards an encoding standard for social media and CMC: Experiences from German and French corpus projects using TEI. (Introduction to the conference panel on TEI)

[2] Thierry Chanier, Céline Poudat & Ciara R. Wigham: The CoMeRe French CMC corpora and their modeling in TEI.

[3] Michael Beißwenger, Eric Ehrhardt, Axel Herold, Harald Lüngen & Angelika Storrer: Schemas and experiences from modeling German CMC Corpora in TEI.

Session 6 : Physician Rating


Session 7 Social Networks

Session 8 : POS tagging

11:00-11:20 Break

11:20- 12:20 Key note: Clapoty project. Pascal Vaillant

12:20-13:30 Lunch

Session 9 Twitter

Session 10 L2 Learning-teaching

15:30-15:40 Closing

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